Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Picture issue update

The picture inserted directly from the data stick is now visible, but the others are still not visible.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Picture Posting Problems

Just for jollies, I'm going to post the picture directly from the data stick and see if it behaves differently, and it isn't. There must be something I'm missing. I'll check back later.:

Thing 4 - Next Option - Creating a Flickr accout

I went ahead and created a Flickr account and posted my first picture, from summer reading last year. It is attached below. Let's see if you can see this picture (nope, must figure out):

Thing 4 - Followup

I expected the picture itself to be in my previous post, but, instead, there seems to just be a sort of place holder. If you click on it, it actually jumps to the picture, like clicking on the link right above it. I'll have to check if that's a setting issue or if URL based pictures work that way. I've uploaded many pictures taken from our library camera to our library site and they show just fine. Any ideas?

Thing 4 - Exploring Flickr

I think Flickr is very cool and very useful. I am itching to not only get our library's pictures on there, but also my pictures at home. I especially like the tagging option, because then I could find all the pictures of a certain event. I am going to upload a picture of Faribault's room for programs as I covet it. Having a library that is bursting at the seams - their set-up is enviable.

Here's the picture, Credited to Buckham Memorial Library in Faribault:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Checking out added link

I added a link to blogspot on my blog and, without thinking, assumed it would connect to my feed. Obviously, it doesn't. Lesson learned

Thing 3 Completed

As with everything, the theory is simple, but the practice, not so much. I was able to easily set up the RSS account with bloglines. I was easily able to pick and subscribe to choices from their list, but found adding other sites a mixed bag. I have a personal blog of my Girl Scout Troop that I was easily able to add. So the first went well. I am curious to see if others can see it - they shouldn't be able to. I tried to add the weather from KARE11, and couldn't find a button. I finally added the option from bloglines to my favorites, and then tried adding it that way. Turns out only headlines can be added as RSS feed - so you have to be at the right place. Next, I tried to add some elements from the Ellen Degeneres Show that had the little RSS icon. As instructed I copied the URL I got when I clicked on the icon and then tried to add the feed in bloglines and it said it couldn't find any feed. I then tried the way I did with KARE11 and it confirmed that, indeed, there is no feed available. I think I need to find out what can and cannot be added. It could be addicting though. I did add the link to my blog, however. That worked just fine.

Thing 2 Completed

I watched the video from home and appreciate his point. From a "previous life" in tech support, I have more tech knowledge than average, but realize I have fallen woefully behind the times (not so surprising). He threw out terms I've never heard when asked about his favorite technology. Personally, I have never appreciated on-line communication, either IM, chat rooms or even e-mail, so I don't use them so much (e-mail aside, as I do use that quite a bit, but mostly for work). I will have to make a personal goal to change that, or I will be left in the on-line dust. As a side, I tried to post his video on my blog, but my first attempt failed. I will have to look into it some more.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 2 halfway completed

I read the blog and am reading the article. I am finding the idea fabulous, but the name, perhaps daunting, especially for the non-techie. While technology is a huge part of making our library important, I believe the main thing is focusing on our customers. What do they need and how can we provide it for them? The world changes and we, as libraries, need to move with it.

Working on Thing 2 Encountering technical difficulties

Started working on Thing 2, only to quickly realize our staff computer at the library doesn't have an active sound card. Makes watching the video difficult, as my lip reading skills are rusty. I will have to poke around to discover the extent of the issue. Maybe I can just use headphones? Maybe I need some tech support. Likely, however, I will just watch at home.