Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 2 halfway completed

I read the blog and am reading the article. I am finding the idea fabulous, but the name, perhaps daunting, especially for the non-techie. While technology is a huge part of making our library important, I believe the main thing is focusing on our customers. What do they need and how can we provide it for them? The world changes and we, as libraries, need to move with it.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Congrats on getting started with 23 Things on a Stick! With #2 almost done that leaves just 21 more.

SELCO staff, including me, will be working through the program as well. We hope to have fun along the way and will offer the opportunity for regional prizes to all who complete the program by National Library Week. Enjoy!

Ann Hutton at SELCO